BJJ All Day

The most connected BJJ group

The first 500 people that sign-up, will have lifetime access to the community, for free (more info below).

Membership Benefits:

Join the BJJ All Day Community

  • Connect, chat, and learn from BJJ players around the world.
  • Find your crew with channels like #leglockers, #wrestling, #nogi-no-problem, #guard-pullers and more...

Live AMA's

  • We'll feature some of the world's best BJJ instructors & competitors in the #ama channel every couple of weeks
  • With live 'Ask Me Anything' discussions, you'll be able to get real-time advice from your favorite BJJ players

Technique Analysis

  • Upload your footage and get live-feedback from upper-belts, leveling your game up in record time

In-Person Open Mats

* We'll organize in-person, local open-mats around the world so you can meet-up with fellow **BJJ All Day** members, get to know each other better, and share techniques

Exclusive Privates & Discounts

  • As we grow the community, members will get exclusive access to virtual private lessons, and discounts on BJJ gear - including clothing, videos, gear, and resources. As our community grows, we'll have more leverage to negotiate large discounts from manufacturers

As the community grows, I'll be charging a small fee (not sure how much yet) to support the costs associated with keeping the community on Slack - and to enable AMA's & Private Virtual Seminars from the World's Best BJJ Competitors & Instructors.

Get access today!
FREE to join