Boa Trading

Swing trading is my specialty as a social research investor. This is a stock market investing discord and allows people to financially educate each other. In our trading room, we combine our thesis and DD to make the best possible trades in the market. We manage our risk/reward ratio to find the safest trades with the highest amount of ROI in the least amount of time. Simple as that! In our exclusive discord you will gain access to:

• Buy/sell alerts (swing trades, day-trades, options, crypto)

• Watchlist every night (10-20 of the best stocks to swing right now)

• Boa's Investing Lounge (Other reputable traders/analysts buy/sell alerts)

• Boa's Chat Room (Chat with hundreds of investors, catalysts up ahead, group DD, ETC.)

• Investing bots (PR's, Halts, SEC filings, Breaking News)

• My portfolio (Ticker, How many shares bought, The price & Thesis)

• Paperwork for beginners (Chart patterns, Stock Terminology, Understanding how to do your own DD, ETC.)

• Morning briefings (What stocks are the leading gainers in pre-market)

• Answer any questions that you have regarding stocks in the channel "questions for Boa"

We have hundreds of people chatting daily about the best stock picks for the week! We’d love to have you on the team. Trust the process and let's get started!🚀

This is not financial advice and I am not an advisor. I tell the group what moves that I am personally making and the thesis behind it, not so you can copy everything I do, but so you can learn and become a better trader/investor for yourself. This is purely for educational purposes. We will not be held liable for any gains or losses that occurred.

My goal of this discord is to make you a better trader/investor, and supply you with the answers you need to learn from every situation and come out of this as a self-sufficient profitable investor! All sales are final and there are no refunds.

Get access today!
$24.99 USD per month (automatic recurring payments)
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