Blaze+ Subscriptions

Monthly or Annual

Monthly Subscription (15% Off One-Time)

  • 1-on-1 Scheduled Calls once per month (40 minutes)
  • 1 Month of Blaze All-Access membership

*Blaze All-Access Membership Access to an exclusive Discord channel where you can chat with Brian and other Blaze members. Includes access to video archives and monthly group call discussions. You will automatically be approved as a Vanguard member. Vanguard members have access to exclusive conversations and events.

Annual Subscription (20% Off One-Time)

  • All of the above, discounted.
  • Additional implicit benefit includes showing me your clear intent to succeed and I promise that this goes a long way with me.
  • In terms of the structure of this server, my goal was always to go above and beyond for those who go above and beyond - Annual Subscribers are first in line for new offers and opportunities. Historically I've done private events and have made exclusive opportunities to members that have made an impact on the server.
  • *This is not a substitution for being a good person or a productive member of the server, not guaranteed but I will assume the best of you to start.

Note: Annual Subscription has an alternative pricing structure, it is not 1:1 (See Below).


Price Comparison:

One-time Call valued at $700 vs $600 Subscription

Monthly Subscription 15% off - $600 vs One-Time Call (Valued $700)

Annual Subscription 20% off - $6,500 vs One Year of Calls (Valued at $8400)


*I personally struggled to value my time in a way that was still accessible for you all, please know that it is worth so much more but I am offering this discount because I genuinely enjoy helping and am confident that I can transform your trading.

Why I value my product this way:

I have personally mentored a 7-figure trader who is well on his way to 8 figures.

I personally have ambitions to trade at a 9-figure level and many teachers often stop progressing in their journey, our product has consistently grown over time and grows in value each month as I do.

Not only do you gain access to my knowledge bank but I have learned from many different services, products and more importantly REAL ELITE 8 and 9 figure traders whereby you will benefit by proxy.

I am clear and systematic, there is no ambiguity regarding my mentorship and I simplify concepts such that I could get a friend, family member or spouse to trade at a high level.

I will not waste your time, I often cut people off right away and make sure that the time is effective and pragmatic, you will need to be able to take lessons into effect immediately upon the next trading session or I will make it right.

Genuinely I want the best for you and your trading journey, it's difficult and I have been through a lot of personal hardship, this is the main reason why I share my experiences online and seek to help others with the wisdom I've gained.

Remember that 1-on-1 calls are simply the best way to achieve personal development because trading is uniquely personal to each trader, however it is NOT a requirement. I do not expect a lot of people to take me up on this offer, the server itself is more than enough to really understand everything you need to know. This offering is for those who want, or need, personal attention and trust that I can help them.

For the Spark and Blaze memberships visit here.

If you're new, test the waters with a 7-day free trial with Spark access.

Both of these subscriptions are done via Discord itself, make sure to use the desktop application as it's far cheaper than the ios/android app.

Looking forward to welcoming you to our small team and working with you all.



Get access today!
$600.00 USD per month (automatic recurring payments)
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