Confluent Community
Confluent Community
Chat and collaborate with your fellow event streaming enthusiasts in the Confluent Community Slack space!
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The Confluent Community Slack

Chat and collaborate with your fellow event streaming enthusiasts in the Confluent Community Slack space!

The topics discussed are all about event streaming, including Confluent Platform, Confluent Cloud, Apache Kafka®, Apache Flink®, Apache Iceberg®, Kafka Connect, streaming data pipelines, Kafka Streams as well as stream processing, Security, Microservices, and a lot more!!

Beyond this, you can interact with fellow community members here during key Confluent and industry-wide global events!



Apache Kafka®, Kafka, and associated open source project names are trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation. The Apache Software Foundation has no affiliation with and does not endorse, or review the materials provided here or discussed within this platform.

About Confluent Community
Confluent proudly supports the community around the world that focuses on streaming platforms, real-time data streaming and its ecosystems. More:
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