Fractal Markets
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WHY you should join?
**_This group is specifically designed to take you from having a very basic understanding of so-called " smart money concepts," to fully understanding why and how the market moves, and where the high probability trades are going to come from. The purpose of the community is to mesh together like minded traders who are looking to focus on only 2 entry models that are backed by HTF intention. In order to optimize your experience and learning within this community, you should have this variable at the forefront of your strategy.
Pro trend > EVERYTHING!
Let's get you funded <3
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We would like to state that ALL content provided by Fractal Markets across ALL platforms is intended purely as educational content ONLY. It should never be taken as financial advice. All information received across ALL platforms should be used to supplement your own knowledge and never be solely relied upon as a financial investment guide. Any decisions to do with investments of ANY SORT, are entirely YOUR choice.
Refund Policy:
You are free to cancel your subscription at any time for future months (using the invoice in your email), there are no refunds after payment is completed; once you have paid and been given access to the chat/community/course, services are considered rendered and no refunds will be acceptable with exceptions only made by Fractal Markets.
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