Step 5: Grow your Group!
3 years ago
Start inviting people to join your community by sharing your invite page link.
You can also embed the invite page on your own domain. Just hit the '</Embed> button.
It is imperative that you actively engage with your early members and create value for them. That’s why people will come back, bring their friends and spark the growth you’re looking for. The best way to do this is to set up a ‘welcome bot’ with Zapier that welcomes all your new members to the group. You can customize your message to include community guidelines, and encourage them to introduce themselves or simply welcome them to group.
Here are the two most popular welcome bots:
Send a New Slack Member a Message and
Welcome new Slack users in #general
They are highly effective. We don’t recommend launching without them.
Other cool apps that you can integrate to spark early engagement:
Donut — Donut will introduce your group members to each other (in a DM or channel you specify) and give them a ‘buddy’ in the community to stay in touch with. Think of Donut as the ultimate Slack icebreaker.
Notion — Let your members see the content you’re creating, and encourage them to collaborate — great if you’re writing a guide, book or course, or have premium articles you want to share with your community.
Twitter — Twitter’s Slack integration is a great way to seed your community with relevant content. You can hook it up to your own Twitter account or some of your favorites. Often times the tweets will start conversations among your members!
PaperBot — You and your community members will be posting links and relevant articles all the time. PaperBot will help you keep track of those links and send you a curated list of the content that’s being shared and engaged with in your group.
Google Hangouts / Skype — Set up a weekly or monthly time for your community members to meet up and chat with each other live on Google Hangouts. The integration is seamless and will drop a link directly into your Slack group!
SendInBlue — Carsten Pleiser of Founders &Creators uses SendInBlue to send a welcome email 1 day after a user joins his Slack group to inform them about different channels (with a direct link to access the relevant channel) and further memberships benefits. He finds this, combined with Typeform and a custom direct message (possible through Zapier) as soon as the user joins gives great early engagement.