KATABASIS - Gold/Explorer Tier


A strong community and education platform for peak performance and cutting edge health science by Alexander Sandalis (Strength Of Saad) & Ben Cant (BennyLifts)

Education: delivering high-level practical education on health, wellness and performance. We distil complex research and science into simple bite-size practical takeaways.

Community: for those on their journey of physical-mental transformation who want to join a community of like-minded people to support them.

++As a reward to those that take initiative, the first 200 members get grandfathered in as OG members at the current discounted membership price that will be increasing once we pass 200.++

What You Get...

Live Discord Podcasts, Live Topic Q&As & Mini Educational Presentations

  • We will host educational presentations on a wide variety of different topics such as nutrition for performance, mastering habits to gut health. We will also host live Q&A’s on a particular subject driven by your community requests.
  • Every month we will host a monthly members-only Q&A where you will get the chance to submit any question on any topic ahead of time that Ben & Alexander will answer and discuss.
  • Members get access to all previous Q&A videos.

Exclusive Private Podcast

  • Members-only private podcast where Ben & Alexander will interview some of the leading experts in human science and/or explore topics in a long format free flow conversation between the two of them.

Training Program & Meal Plan Templates

  • Not ready for a coach? We’ll get you started with periodic example training programs and nutrition plans to get you on the right track.

Technique & Form Check Review

  • Receive personalised feedback on your lifts so you're feeling confident on exercise execution and your set-up is proficient to make sure you're training effectively.

Daily Quip

  • From M-F we will share quick bite-size 60-second insights into health, fitness, wellness and common coaching strategies.
  • Providing constant opportunities to learn, upskill, conquer your challenges and grow into a better person and/or health professional.

Discord Community

  • Gain a sense of belonging and support through a community of like-minded strong people who are all pursuing betterment.
  • Connect with us, ask us questions and network with incredible health professionals who will in our community.

Monthly Science Research Review Digest

  • Don’t have time or the expertise to figure out what science is saying about health and performance?
  • We will deliver a monthly review of cutting edge science and historically significant studies that we feel you should know about.
  • We do the work to sift through hours of research and summarise the newest most relevant research and give you the practical implications to improve your life, health and performance.


“Ancient Greek: κατάβασις, from κατὰ “down” and βαίνω “go” is a descent of some type, such as moving downhill, the sinking of the winds or sun, a military retreat, a trip to the underworld.”

We choose KATABASIS because we wanted a word that represented a part of Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey while also representing the powerful effort that it takes to go inward and transform yourself.

When you join our community you are acknowledging that you are here to find a sense of belonging amongst a supportive community of like minded people who seek mastery in their health and education.

We and this community are here to guide you towards betterment in knowledge, health and self through the uncomfortable journey of unlearning, relearning and transformation.


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