Most Lawyers Are Liars


Welcome to Most Lawyers Are Liars - Your Host is The Money Guy -

The infamous Money Guy is the industry outlaw and is always diving into The Truth About Running a Small Business. The anonymous masked man uses his industry superpowers to teach you everything you didn't know but you need to know about building and maintaining a successful small business, a must class for all aspiring and established entrepreneurs or small biz owner looking to take the bull out of the day-to-day s*it.

Standby for industry insider insight into how to sell stock in your company, pay less in taxes, set up LLC's correctly, retirement plans, crypto, markets, gold, silver, and solutions to the biggest problems facing all small businesses with a generous helping of sarcasm and all the laughs.

The Money Guy AKA the masked business man collectively has over 30 years of business knowledge, built over 18K businesses and filed taxes for over 30K small to billion-dollar corporations. To date, no one knows his true identity to protect his name from an industry against sharing insider information.

Disclaimer: Although The Money Guy has made every effort to ensure that the information on this form was correct at the time of post, I do not assume

and hereby disclaims any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions

result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. Nothing on this form is financial or investment advice, while I might be tax and business

consultant, I am not your tax and business consultant.

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