

Welcome! This subscription gives access to TheStockWatch Private Discord Channel.

What's included:

  • Everytime I buy/sell a stock or option, I send an alert to the group.
  • I update my personal portfolio through a spreadsheet, giving my position size, cost basis, and thesis on the trade.
  • I will answer any question you have about stocks or investing in general in the "questions-to-seth" channel!
  • 20+ channels focused on particular stocks, sectors, ideas, research, strategies, and more!

This is not financial advice and I am not an advisor. I tell the group what moves that I am personally making and thesis behind it, not so you can copy everything I do, but so you can learn and become a better trader/investor for yourself. This is purely for educational purposes. We will not be held liable for any gains or losses occured. You can cancel at anytime, we do not offer refunds. Created by: The StockWatch LLC

My goal of this discord is to make you a better trader/investor, and supply you with the answers you need to learn from every situation, and come out of this as a self-sufficient profitable investor!

Get access today!


$19.99 USD per month (automatic recurring payments)
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