Pi Capital Private Community

3 Months Bootcamp

Dear VIP members, by accessing the Pi Capital Private Community server, you accept and agree to be bound and abide by the rules & if you do not agree with the disclaimer, you must not access, use or share the resources as per your signed NDA (Non-disclosure agreement)

Private mentorship to create TOP TIER level traders & assist them in acquiring funding from Proprietary Firms.

Just E X E C U T E!

Yours truly,

Mr. Pi

*The subscription plan is non-refundable. You agree, and accept that Pi Capital will assume (With your electronic signature, payment & fingerprint) that you wish your subscription to start immediately and that you consent to provide you with the relevant access and your subscription contents.

By subscribing, you therefore agree and consent to this.

You can cancel your subscription at any time, and you will continue to have access to this platform through to the end of your billing period.

Pi Capital is not held responsible if you forget to cancel your membership prior to the renewal date and no refunds will be provided if this happens. In this event you have one more month to take advantage of the content and community. Disputing subscriptions will result in an immediate ban from this community and payment service providers will be referred to this agreement.

By clicking I have read and agree to the terms and conditions as follows & by joining the Pi Capital Private Community you agree and acknowledge that once payment has been completed you receive access to all of the Pi Capital Private Community services and resources and forfeit the right to dispute any charges

is not currently
accepting new signups

No risk, cancel anytime

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