At Quantum Stone Capital we strive to bring you the best market education from an institutional point of view. We have +6 years in the markets trading institutionally and want to share that knowledge with ever student in the group.
Our Mission and Vision here at Quantum Stone Capital to simplify institutional trading by creating a process based approach to trading. By giving continuous amount of educational content such as technical & fundamental analysis, back testing, data analysis, trading plan creation while simultaneously portraying live trading ideas, smaller timeframe entries for longer term target resulting in high end risk to reward trades.
Institutions are responsible for the majority of the trading volume in the currency markets. We understand how Institutions operate in all financial markets on a day-to-day basis. Only the top 1% do almost all the buying/selling in the markets. If you can't beat them, join them.
Here are some of the features the discord contains:
If you are courageous enough to want to become a trader in the financial markets, the service we offer will help you in getting there in a shorter time and with the least amount of pain.