The Sharp End /Clive Arneil


Welcome to The Sharp End Trading Club

Everybody knows that the best way to learn or get better at doing anything is by doing it and that is exactly what this platform is about. Its purpose is to help retail traders that really want to make something out of their trading succeed. In a very relaxed, informal environment members can analyse set-ups together and trade them in real-time. Senior Dealers publish their ideas and forecasts so as you are better positioned to make your trading decisions with confidence.

If you have tried other things and not yet found what you are looking for maybe this New, Unique and Unrivalled platform is it...

There are no contracts - You Pay - You Play.

When you join us if you should find that is not for you then you can leave without any penalties or future obligations whatsoever.

Should you have any questions feel free to contact us directly at support @ and we'll be happy to advise you.

Get access today!
£79.00 GBP per month (automatic recurring payments)
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